First of all I hope Mrs.Poole never reads this post because the things I may say may offend someone. On Saturday, we won our first round robin. Round robins are practice rounds that determine who you will be facing off. We won the first round robin, and when we played the second round robin; the opposing team was already asked the question in the previous round robin which gave them the advantage. So they won the round robin. Later on when we had to play Edison Computech Team 1, the team I should have been, they won. The only reason they won the match is because the rules judge was texting on her phone when the other team buzzed in.

       When you buzz in, you have two seconds to answer after the moderator has determined who has buzzed in. I might as well say who buzzed in, it was Nester. Nester buzzed in before any of the question was read. He waited about 4-5 seconds before answering. When the moderator asked the rules judge if it was a stall, the rules judge quickly stopped texting on her phone and put it in her pocket and answered saying that it was not a stall. After this had happened, we barely won the next 2 rounds. The loss had broken our self esteem, and we finally lost. Also, when we were playing EC team 1, Mrs.Poole was not aloud to talk at all. She broke that rule and said to us don't argue with the judge. In my opinion, she wanted Team 1 to win, and they did win. I asked her the next school day if she thought Nester stalled. She all of a sudden paused, and finally answered me and said no. This confirmed what I had thought was to happen.
      Nobody showed up today for Science Bowl practice. I guess I should have known this was going to happen since Mrs.Poole is gone. Since she's been gone, not very many people would show up. About 5 of us in the morning when there should be 10, and at lunch it varies from 1-3. Guess who's there when there's only one person who showed up. If you guessed me, you would have gotten it right. After all, the big day is tomorrow, so there is a lot of pressure. I was thinking of not going to school today, so I could study all day long, and pretty guarantee the chances of my team winning. After all I can hear members on the A team talking about how they are going to be going to Washington D.C.. I honestly think that I should be on the A team. Since some Hispanics are sponsoring the event, at least half the team has to be Hispanic. I find this not fair. I know just as much as the kids on the A team if not more, and I have more potential then they do. I am going to study all night and hope that it was enough to get me tickets to Washington D.C. I'll tell you what happened next Friday. I hope my team wins the regional competition!
      Once again, I was in Mrs.Poole's room for Science Bowl for the past week. The alternate on B team is Alexander Noris.  The thing that scares me is that Alex has show up about 2 times of about 150 times. This scares me because Alex is a blurter and an interupter. A blurter is someone who answers without being called on. When someone does this, the other team gets 4 points and they have an opportunity to answer which is 4 points plus they can get the bonus question right which is 10 points. The other team can get 18 points total if we do that. Also, he is an interupter. This means that he buzzes in before the question is fully told. If we buzz in before the moderator is done asking the question, the opposing team will get 4 points, plus the opportunity to get the question right plus they can answer the bonus for another 10 points. This turns into a 18 point play total.
      Today, I was not able to attend the event at lunch which is sponsored by the leadership kids because I needed to go to Mrs. Poole’s room for Science Bowl again. Tomorrow, one of the other kid’s parents are chemists and are going to teach us about chemistry because some of the questions are going to be chemistry questions. Both of his parents are chemists. His mom teaches part-time, and the other one teaches full-time. We are going to have Science Bowl for 5 hours! For lunch, we are allowed to bring our own lunch, but we can also bring $5 to school for pizza and drinks. The thing that I am afraid about is that last time I had a sports pizza party, we ate the worst pizza ever, but we only paid $2. This time we are paying $5, so I hope the pizza will be a lot better.
      Two weeks from tomorrow is the competition, I am so worried. I really want to go to Washington D.C., but I am on the B team, and in the past 5 years, the B team has only gone once, and that is a great disappointment. There are two kids on the A team who I think do not deserve to be on the A team.