


     To determine the area, you need to know the radius. In this case, the radius is 3 feet. To find the area, you use the equation area=Pi*radius^2. Since the radius is 3 feet, when you square it, you get 9 feet squared. The next step is to multiply 9 feet squared with Pi, you get 9Pi which is the area. To determine the circumference, you need to know the diameter or the radius. If you know the radius, double it to get the diameter. The equation to determine the circumference is circumference=diameter*Pi. Since the radius is 3 feet, the diameter is 6 feet. If you multiply the diameter with Pi, you get 6Pi. This is how you determine the area and circumference of a circle.

      Pi is found everywhere nature. When Pi was first discovered by ancient mathematicians, they were very fascinated. Pi has an infinite number of digits. There is no final digit for pi, and there is no pattern that has been discovered yet
You can graph a line using the y=mx+b equation. The first thing you do is graph the b. The b is the y intercept. This is wear the line goes through the graph. The m is the slope. Let's say the cost for a taxi ride is $.50 per mile and you also have to pay a base fee. Let's say the base fee is $3.00. Let's say that you took a 20 mile cab ride. This is the x, also known as the independent variable. 20*.50 is 10. You know add the b to the mx which in this case is 10. The cost would have been $13. Now to graph this, you start off at 3 which is your b. you go up 1, then over 2. Rise over run. 1/2 gives you .5 which is your slope.

Another example of y=mx+b could be when you are buying insurance. It costs $5 just to get insurance from Progressive. This is the y-intercept. Then on top of that you have to pay $10 for every $100 you are covered. Therefore, the m would be 10. Now lets plug in some numbers. let's say you want $10000  coverage. You would have to pay $1000 for the coverage plus the $5 base fee for getting insurance.




      3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582 are the first few numbers of Pi. Pi is the ratio of the diameter of a circle to the circumference of the circle. The formula for the circumference of a circle is Pi times the diameter if the diameter of a circle is 4 inches. Then the circumference of the circle is 4Pi. To determine the area of a circle is Pi * radius^2. If the diameter is 4 inches, then the radius of the circle is 2 inches. If you square 2, you get 4. Therefore, the area of the circle is 4Pi. 

     Note: the circumference of a circle is not always equal to area of a circle. It varies based on the diameter and radius of a circle. Pi was discovered by Babylonians about 4000 years ago. Since I am in Algebra, I do not know what Mrs. Moon or Mr. Dorman have taught you about Pi.