


We played a game called Diffy. It would generate random numbers then we would insert the correct numbers by subtracting the bigger number by the smaller number. We would then insert the difference on the line that connects the two numbers that were subtracted. Think of it backwards. lets say the final number was 1. It is just adding a new number to the previous number each time. Now think of it the original way. The numbers on the outside are subtracted, so it moves in. It will eventually be subtracting numbers that are all with in the same distance. For example, lets say that the number was 4 ands it connects to red lines, and it is in the top-right corner. In the top-left corner it is 5. 5-4=1. This means that the number connecting two red lines must be either 4 or 5. The formula is (x-midpoint=distance). In this situation, the midpoint is 4. the distance is 1 since that is the difference from one to another. This gives us (x-4=1). This equation is supposed to be using absolute value. I  cannot show the absolute value sign since it is not on a keyboard. in this situation with the absolute value sign, x can either be 5 or 3.
The 0 is closed dot because when you use the equal sign(=), it only equals  0 so that means it is only including 0. All other numbers are not included. It can only be a closed dot when you are using the equal sign. If it were greater than(>), it would be open circle with the arrow pointing the right direction. If you want ithe circle to be closed and greater than,  you would use the greater than or equal to sign.
I am not in Pre Algebra, but I will try to figure out what it means. I think that it means that instead of dividing you could just multiply by a decimal. Instead of dividing all you do is multiply by a number smaller than 1. In the equation 2x=16 instead of dividing you would multiply 16 by the decimal .5. I am not in Pre Algebra, so I am not saying that this the way they teach. This is just how I understand this concept.
There are a lot of different methods you can use in Algebra. The methods we are learning in Algebra requires a lot of thinking sometimes. We were using a line graph to figure out how to use a sign which means greater than and equal too. Pretty confusing right? I agree so for this concept we are using a line graph. For example there is difference between 10 and older. For 10 and older we would use the greater than and equal too sign, but for older than ten we would only use the grater than sign. We use a line graph to represent this.
There are infinte numbers between 0 and 1 because it is a decimal. You can put a decimal than put 0 ten million times if you want to, then finally put a one. There are infinte numbers between 0 and 1. The possiblilties are endless. You just add another placement value.