Our robotics tournament is tomorrow, and I need to practice with the battle bot. I am doing the line follower and the battle bot. For the line follower, we had to program our robot to be able to follow a black line with white space around it. Since we were not able to program our robot to follow the line since the light sensors were to wide, we programmed it to follow the white space around the black line instead. Also, we have to do a live challenge. In our live challenge, they are going to tell us to make changes to the robot or to our program. I find this ridiculous since our live challenge is before the actual event, so this going to be interesting.

      For battle bot, there are 2 controllers on our team since I want to control the battle bot, and one of the other kids in our group wants to control the battle bot. We argued over this for a long time. The thing that I don't think is fair is that when Prabhmeet, the other kid who wants to control the battle bot, was building the robot, he always practiced. I had told him then that we can practice afterwards, right now lets just build the battle bot. Instead, he continued to practice. Now, when I practice, he wants to practice which I think is unfair.

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