One important part of a cell is the nucleus. The nucleus is the command center of the cell. The nucleus tells the rest of the cell parts what they have to do. two other important parts of the cell are the mitochondrian and the chloropast. These two cell parts work together to perform cellular respiration. The mitochondrian turns oxygen and glucose into carbon dixide and water. The chloroplast turns carbon dioxide and water with light into glucose and oxygen. These two cell parts work together to pefrom ce
On day 3 the mass was 7.1 grams; the tail length was 20 milimeters, and the circumference of the head was 42 milimeters. The next time we measured the rats was on day 6. The mass then was 12.4 grams;the tail length was 30 milimeters, and the circumference of the head was 53 milimeters. On day 9 the mass of the rat was 16.4; the rail length was 55 milimeters. Day 13 was the next day we measured the rats. The mass was 28.6; the tail length was 54 milimeters. The circumference of the head was 72. On day 45, the mass of the rat was 73.2; the tail length was 130, and the circumference of the head was 102 milimeters. There were a few downsides on meausring the rats. One scientific error was that we did not measure the same rat every time, which means some rats could have been heavier than others. Therefore, there is no way to get an accurate ratio for the growth of the rats. Another scientific error is the fact we did not measure after a certain amount of days, such as every two days, or every three days. This would have given us accurate ratios of the growth of the rats. We did not do that so we do that have accurate results.
My favorite science activity was the Nano Bug. We turned the Nano Bug on facing the opposite direction of the way out. We were supposed to see if the Nano Bug figured its way out or if it was coincidence that lead its way. The first time it took the Nano Bug 50 seconds. The second attempt it took us 10 seconds, and the third attempt was 8 seconds. Therefore I had come up with that the Nano Bug learned. The rest of group mates chose that it was coincidence. We argued over this matter for about three days until I said lets just ask Mr.Kirste. Mr.Kirste said that it was coincidence. The rest of my group kept rubbing it in my face, but I told them that a hypothesis is just as helpful beiong proven wrong as it is right.

Eukaryotic cells are about 10x larger than a prokaryotic cell. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus, prokaryotic cells have no nucleus. Eukaryotic cells have many organelles. Prokaryotic cells do not have organelles. A Prokaryotic cell is a unicellular organism; this means that a Prokaryotic cell has to do all of the neccessary things to survive. A multi-cellular organism has organelles meaning that the organelles perform the necessary functions to survive. All living things beside bacteria and archaea are made up of Eukaryotic cells; so yes Eukaryotic cells are in the human body.
I know that cells are working inside me because I grow and I develop. Do you you think about breathing everytime you inhale and exhale. Chances are you probably don't. Same thing about our cells. We think without thinking about thinking; pretty confusing, but anyways you shoud get the point. There are certain things humans can do without thinking about doing it, and cellur activity is one of those things.