I think that the most exciting math lesson this year would be quadratic functions and quadratic equations. It seems interesting how you can know how high or how fast, an object is going, and get an accurate prediction when it will reach the vertex, the maximum or the minimum. I feel very nervous about the CSTs. They are coming up very soon, and on the previous ACS, there were somethings I didn't know such as parabolas and quadratic functions. Thank God we're not being tested on radicals. Mr. Erickson said that he was going to teach us radicals after the CSTs since we weren't tested on them. I still want to learn radicals anyway. Just in case they do show up on the CST.

       Quadratic functions are everywhere. If you see an arch, there will be a mathematical equation. You will see an arch below, and there is a quadratic equation for it if someone ever wanted to know it. The arch below is an example of how quadratics are used in real life. 

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