Negative Numbers can be used to show debt. Debt is when you owe someone money. If you owe someone $30. Then you are -30. If you have $30, then you are +30. Do you see the difference? I hope so. Here is another example, if someone has $30 of Starbucks credit and they buy a venti frappucino for $5. It will show -$25 on the screen. If you did not have any store credit, then it would $5. Do you see the difference? It shows -$25 dollars because the company owes you money. The $25 dollars are being shown from the company's point of view. Here is another example. If you put money in your bank account it is +. If money is deducted, then it is -. 
        Another example of negative numbers would be in stocks. Here is an example. Homer Simpson invest $1000 in stock. If the company he invested in makes profit, then he will get more money. If the company he invested loses money then Homer Simpson will get less than $1000. This is another example of negative numbers. On January 1st it is 59 degrees Fahrenheit. On January 2nd it is 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The change in temperature is 27. These are a few examples which show how negative numbers are used in real life.

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