Light first comes in contact with the cornea. The light we see is coming in from the pupil. That means that the light passes through the pupil after passing the cornea. The light then is refracted by the lens. The refracted light shines on the back of the retina. An upside down image is formed on the retina. The optic nerve then reverses the image which makes it right side up and sends the images to the brain. 

       This path is very simple it is: cornea, pupil, lens, retina, optic nerve, and finally the brain. This is all there is to it. Also, the cornea refracts light as well. The iris around the pupil gives us what we call the color of the eye. Certain animals also have a moonshine. This helps certain animals see in the dark. The light shines on the back of the retina, some of the light shines back and out the pupil helping certain animals see in the dark.

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